Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

  • Dozen Yellow Roses Bouquet

A Dozen Yellow Roses Bouquet presented in yellow tissue packing radiates a charming elegance. The soft and delicate texture of the tissue paper complements the gentle beauty of the yellow roses, creating a sophisticated yet cheerful arrangement. Yellow roses symbolize joy, friendship, and new beginnings, making them an excellent choice for celebrations or gestures of appreciation. The yellow tissue packing adds a touch of refinement while still allowing the vibrant color of the roses to stand out. It's a delightful choice that's sure to brighten anyone's day and convey heartfelt sentiments with style.

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Dozen Yellow Roses Bouquet

Buds and Florets Studio
2024-10-18 INR
  • 499


  • Ex Tax:Rs499
  • Price in reward points:1000