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  • 40 Red Roses Bouquet

A bouquet of 40 red roses in cellophane packing offers a grand and breathtaking presentation! Here's how it might be arranged:

  • Roses: The bouquet consists of 40 fresh red roses, symbolizing deep love, passion, and romance. These iconic blooms are known for their timeless beauty and captivating fragrance.

  • Arrangement: The roses are expertly arranged in a lush and voluminous bouquet, creating a stunning visual impact. The arrangement may feature long stems, allowing the roses to cascade gracefully.

  • Packing: The bouquet is carefully wrapped in cellophane, enhancing the vibrant color of the roses and providing protection and freshness to the delicate blooms. The transparent nature of cellophane allows the beauty of the roses to shine through.

This bouquet of 40 red roses in cellophane packing is perfect for romantic gestures, such as Valentine's Day, anniversaries, or to express profound love and admiration. Its abundance and rich symbolism make it an unforgettable and cherished gift for someone special.

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40 Red Roses Bouquet

  • ₹999

  • Ex Tax: ₹999
  • Price in reward points: 1000