Asiatic Lily Bouquet

Asiatic Lily Bouquet


Ex Tax: Rs1,299

Price in reward points: 1000

An Asiatic Lily Bouquet featuring vibrant Orange Lilies presented in orange paper packing offers a striking and eye-catching presentation. Asiatic Lilies are known for their bold colors and elegant blooms, making them a stunning choice for bouquets.

The vibrant orange color of the lilies symbolizes enthusiasm, passion, and creativity, adding a burst of energy and warmth to the bouquet. The orange paper packing enhances the presentation, providing a cohesive backdrop that complements the vivid hues of the lilies.

This bouquet is perfect for various occasions, from birthdays to celebrations of achievements or simply to brighten someone's day with its vibrant and cheerful appearance. Its bold colors and elegant presentation make it a memorable and impactful gift choice that is sure to leave a lasting impression.

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