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  • Yellow Lily Bouquet Large

The "Yellow Lily Bouquet" is a magnificent ensemble featuring a generous display of 25 Asiatic Lily stalks, all in a vibrant shade of yellow. Asiatic Lilies are renowned for their exquisite beauty and captivating fragrance, making them a beloved choice for bouquets.

This large bouquet showcases the natural elegance of the Asiatic Lily, with each stalk carefully arranged to create a stunning visual impact. The bright yellow hue of the lilies exudes warmth, positivity, and happiness, making it an ideal gift for a variety of occasions.

To enhance its presentation, the bouquet is adorned with premium packing, ensuring that each Lily stalk is showcased with utmost care and attention to detail. This sophisticated packaging adds an extra touch of luxury to the bouquet, elevating its overall aesthetic appeal.

Overall, the "Yellow Lily Bouquet" is a breathtaking arrangement that embodies beauty, grace, and joy. Whether given as a gesture of appreciation, celebration, or simply to brighten someone's day, it is sure to leave a lasting impression.

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Yellow Lily Bouquet Large

  • ₹1,000

  • Ex Tax: ₹1,000
  • Price in reward points: 1000