Adorable Multicolored Roses Bouquet

Adorable Multicolored Roses Bouquet


Ex Tax: Rs1,299

Price in reward points: 1000

An Adorable Multicolored Roses Bouquet is a charming and vibrant arrangement that combines the beauty of various rose colors to create a delightful display.

This bouquet can include roses in a variety of hues such as red, pink, yellow, orange, white, and more. Each color carries its own symbolism, from love and passion (red) to friendship and joy (yellow) to innocence and purity (white).

The combination of multicolored roses creates a visually stunning bouquet that is perfect for various occasions, from birthdays to celebrations of friendship or simply to brighten someone's day with its cheerful and colorful appearance.

Whether it's presented in a hand-tied arrangement or elegantly wrapped in paper or tissue packing, an Adorable Multicolored Roses Bouquet is sure to bring smiles and warm feelings to the recipient.

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