3 Shades Roses Bouquet

3 Shades Roses Bouquet


Ex Tax: Rs1,000

Price in reward points: 1000

A bouquet featuring roses in three shades, adorned with fresh green leaves and presented in premium packing, creates a striking and luxurious presentation! This arrangement offers a beautiful mix of colors, adding depth and dimension to the bouquet.

The combination of roses in three different shades creates a visually stunning display, with each hue complementing the others to create a harmonious composition. Adorned with fresh green leaves, the bouquet adds a touch of natural beauty and texture, enhancing the overall aesthetic.

Presented in premium packing, such as a stylish box or wrapped in luxurious paper with elegant ribbons, this bouquet exudes sophistication and refinement. The premium packing adds an extra layer of elegance, making it perfect for special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, or to convey your sentiments in a grand and memorable manner.

Whether it's to celebrate a special moment or to express your love and appreciation, a bouquet of roses in three shades adorned with green leaves and presented in premium packing is sure to make a lasting impression.

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