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  • Dozen White Carnations Bouquet

A Dozen White Carnations Bouquet delicately wrapped in white tissue paper presents a timeless and classic aesthetic. White carnations symbolize purity, luck, and admiration, making them a wonderful choice for a variety of occasions, from weddings to expressions of sympathy. The soft texture of the tissue paper complements the delicate petals of the carnations, enhancing their beauty while also providing a touch of elegance. This arrangement exudes simplicity and sophistication, making it a versatile gift suitable for conveying heartfelt sentiments in any context. Whether it's to celebrate a special milestone, express condolences, or simply brighten someone's day, a Dozen White Carnations Bouquet in white tissue packing is sure to leave a lasting impression.

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Dozen White Carnations Bouquet

  • ₹650

  • Ex Tax: ₹650
  • Price in reward points: 1000